Friday, May 19, 2017

Report on Matt Groening by Nora

Matt Groening´s full name is Mathew Abraham Groening. Matt was born on February 13, 1954. He is an American cartoonist, writer, producer, animator and voice actor. He is the creator of the comic strip " Life in hell" ( 1977-2012) and the television series "The Simpsons" ( 1989-present) and "Futurama". 

The Simpsons are the longest-running animated series and sitcom. Groening made his first Image result for the simpsons logo vectorprofessional cartoon sale of "Life in hell" to the avantgarde "Wet"
Image result for life in hell, matt groening and the simpsonsmagazine in 1978.Image result for matt groeningºImage result for gifs simpsonsImage result for the simpsons

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